Shortcodes – Player

Player Newslog

  • James Girobilli’s knee fracture is healing properly and will be returning to the field next week.
    January 19, 2016
  • James Girobilli’s knee fracture is healing properly and will be returning to the field next week.
    January 19, 2016
  • James Girobilli’s knee fracture is healing properly and will be returning to the field next week.
    January 19, 2016
  • James Girobilli’s knee fracture is healing properly and will be returning to the field next week.
    January 19, 2016

Ukupno u karijeri

SezonaGoalsAttemptsAction goalsAction attemptsDirext foul goalsDirect foul attemptsPowerplay goalsPowerplay attemptsAppearancesPenalty goalsWin RatioDraw RatioPenalty attemptsLoss RatioFast break goalsFast break attemptsAssistsPF DrawnStealsBlocksSwimoffsPersonal foulsBalls lostCKOFFGPGAPGSH%P%PerfPen%FSDRBMINSHSOGPKAPKGPAPSKPOffensive foulsSaves

Player List

1Milan Vitorovic--00.00
2Marin JukicMedveščak--00.00
3Mauro Ivan CubranicPrimorje EB--00.00
4Jure BetonAVK Triglav--00.00
5Andrija BjelicaVA Cattaro--00.00